The Must-Have Vegan Lip Balm For Speakers or People Who Talk A Lot

When it comes to lip balms, savvy consumers know to avoid petrolatum as it’s from petroleum byproduct, which belongs to the gas station. People also know to avoid lanolin because it’s from wool, an animal byproduct, which may cause some allergic reaction. Don’t be so happy yet that you use natural lip balms. Check your […]

Welcome to my updated website!

For the past 6 years, I DIYed my own website as for any entrepreneurs, it is essential to bootstrap until you have some level of success. 2019 has been a tremendous year for publicity as I have been quoted on 26+ beauty media as well as landed a FULL page of my favorite BEAUTY AUTHORITY […]

Collaborate with Ginger King

Love to collaborate with your beauty business or beauty events! Drop me a line at with subject: Collaboration.

TheBeautyShark PodCast

Good Monday Morning and the first day of April! Wow, we are officially entering the second quarter for 2019! Have you checked off some of your goals yet? If you have not subscribed to TheBeautyShark podcast, please do. I want to use 5 minutes every Monday morning to share with you about BEAUTY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP. […]

Let’s Get Personal

My dear blog readers, I just created a podcast so you can HEAR from me and not just reading on what I have to say. As you know, I have been in the beauty industry for over 20 years, working in every single aspects- from raw material, concept development, formulation, manufacturing, launching a beauty business […]

Want to Learn More About Beauty?

I have been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. What I have learned throughout the years is there are two things that determine your success- the ability to speak in public and the ability to sell. It is NOT the best product but the BEST KNOWN product that get you sales. It is […]

How To Be The Lotus On the Ever-Crowded Landscape of Cosmetic Business

There are thousands of Indie Beauty brands emerging daily. The price to entry these days are no longer just a prestige image or just claiming natural ingredients. How do you stand out? There is a Chinese saying that Lotus is precious because it stands tall and clean despite in a pond of mud. With the […]

My First E-Book On Amazon Kindle!

Happy New Year! If you are thinking about creating your cosmetic line, now is the time! This book is for you! Pre-order now! Official release on Feb. 8, 2016 Chinese New Year. Thank you for your pre-order in advance :-)!! Find it on Amazon Kindle store today!!!