Want to Learn More About Beauty?

I have been in the beauty industry for over 20 years. What I have learned throughout the years is there are two things that determine your success- the ability to speak in public and the ability to sell. It is NOT the best product but the BEST KNOWN product that get you sales. It is […]

How To Be The Lotus On the Ever-Crowded Landscape of Cosmetic Business

There are thousands of Indie Beauty brands emerging daily. The price to entry these days are no longer just a prestige image or just claiming natural ingredients. How do you stand out? There is a Chinese saying that Lotus is precious because it stands tall and clean despite in a pond of mud. With the […]

Nine Cosmetic Technology Trends From Asia-2017 + A Valentine Special :-)

As silicone valley is the technology hub. Asia is the beauty hub. I just came back from several major trade shows in Asia and pleased to inform what’s happening in the world of BEAUTY: Freeze-Dry technology! The latest trend is to freeze dry your lotion or cream into balls for ease of travelling. When you […]