Want to Start Your Own Beauty Business? Let’s Talk!
Check out my sizzle reel and let’s work together to make your dream of owning your beauty brand come true. Be your own boss and leave a legacy! Creativity follows commitment. If you are committed, we can make this happen! I help you from concept to launch and starting in 2021, I can now also […]
World Health Day Starts with Your Lips & Eyes
Unlike our skin can naturally produce sebum, our lips do not have oil or sweat glands so they can get chapped easily. And NO….those fried chicken grease just won’t cut it! So obviously you need a lip balm! Lip balms play such an important role in our health because it is the only beauty product […]
My Top 10 Rules For Starting Your Beauty Line
I have been lurking around the Clubhouse for weeks and there are some common things I heard and cringed when it comes to the discussion of creating a beauty line. Here are my top 10 rules which can help you to navigate the beauty landscape especially if you are new to the industry. Make sure […]
Watch What’s In Your Lip Balm!
Do you brush your teeth at least twice a day? Why take care of INSIDE of your mouth but not OUTSIDE? Did you know your lips have no oil or sweat glands so they are the most sensitive parts of our body that deserve tender loving care. You need to use a LIP BALM but […]

This world does not need another beauty brand. Consumers are confused enough. So when a new beauty brand comes on the market, it MUST be meaningful. This is WHY I developed FanLoveBeauty. This is a dedication to those who INSPIRE, EDUCATE or ENTERTAIN the society. We are super fans of people who have impacts in […]
The Must-Have Vegan Lip Balm For Speakers or People Who Talk A Lot
When it comes to lip balms, savvy consumers know to avoid petrolatum as it’s from petroleum byproduct, which belongs to the gas station. People also know to avoid lanolin because it’s from wool, an animal byproduct, which may cause some allergic reaction. Don’t be so happy yet that you use natural lip balms. Check your […]
Your Health Goal- Use A Great Lip Balm
Lip balms are probably the most used beauty products regardless if you are a man or woman. We all get dry lips from weather and talking. Since lip balm is closest to the internal organ, what you use MATTERS/ Avoid ingredients like petrolatum as it belongs to gas stations. Avoid ingredients like lanolin as it’s […]
Welcome to my updated website!
For the past 6 years, I DIYed my own website as for any entrepreneurs, it is essential to bootstrap until you have some level of success. 2019 has been a tremendous year for publicity as I have been quoted on 26+ beauty media as well as landed a FULL page of my favorite BEAUTY AUTHORITY […]
Why are consumers pursuing NATURAL options? Are they really better?
Natural. Organic. Vegan. Clean. These are the buzz words on all the beauty products because they are driven by retailers, press and consumers. When we examine the root of it, it really comes down to FOOD. Yes, FOOD. We have been taught that we need to eat natural and organic food as all processed foods […]
Debunking the myth of cosmetic ingredients
In the era of green-washing consumers, there are many controversial ingredients like parabens, silicone, sulfates, alcohol, essential oils, coconut oils and hydroquinone. Here is a video by MixedMakeUp where experts share with you their thoughts. Yours truly is included :-). Click here for the video link